About Us
Our school is situated in an area of established, large residential housing on the outskirts of Camberley. Classrooms are spacious and extensive school grounds have the added facilities of an adventure playground, trim trail, climbing wall, pond, nature, gardening and den building areas. Prior Heath serves a wide social mix of families, usually from extremely supportive backgrounds, with parents who have high expectations and children who are well-behaved. We have approximately 10% SEND and 12% EAL. In recent years the school has been full or over-subscribed and we have a roll of 180 children. There is a privately run nursery who also provide before and after school facilities on the school site with whom we have a close working relationship.
The Governing Body is very committed and supportive to the school. Parental support for the school is strong and we have parents who regularly help. Our thriving Parent Teacher Association raise in the region of £10,000 per year and holds social events for adults and children to attend.
The school is well resourced with regular replenishment and updating. There are interactive whiteboards in each class and laptops for the children to use as well as sets of Learn Pads. Long and medium term planning is regularly reviewed in all subjects and stored electronically. As well as a music room, we have a number of small group teaching spaces and covered areas for outdoor learning for all year groups which allow all children to play and learn outside throughout the year.
Ethos and Values
At Prior Heath we recognise that every child is a special individual with their own needs. We aim to provide a quality learning environment in which everyone is given the opportunity to achieve their full potential and become a valued and responsible member of the local, national and global community. We are committed to high quality safeguarding practice. We endeavour to provide a happy, safe and caring atmosphere in which all children are able to understand and value their achievements and those of others and engage fully in the joy of learning.
Forging strong links with our families, and the wider community, we endeavour to offer an excellent education which will prepare the children for the opportunities, experiences and responsibilities of life.
We are fortunate to have a hard-working and supportive staff who are committed to further improvement. Each class has Teaching Assistant support. PPA is arranged to allow teachers to plan with their year group colleague.