
SEND Provision

At Prior Heath Infant School we value each child as a unique individual.  We will always continue to strive to meet the needs of all our children and seek to ensure that we meet all statutory requirements related to matters of inclusion.  Children with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) are welcomed at Prior Heath.  The school makes provision for children with learning difficulties, communication problems and emotional and behavioural difficulties and, where the constraints of the building allow, physical disabilities and sensory impairments.  Successful inclusion is ensured by close liaison with parents and professionals in order to ascertain and meet individual needs.  In addition, parents will be given regular and detailed feedback regarding their child’s progress.  Prior to admission, it is the school’s policy to contact relevant outside agencies to obtain as much information as possible so as to successfully integrate all children into a supportive environment.  Home visits are carried out prior to children entering the Reception class in September.

Our SENDCO is Mrs Laura Bradford, alongside SEND Manager, Mrs Isla Nelson who can be contacted via the school office on: 01276 25546 or email

As we are a community school, Surrey County Council is our admissions authority.  If your child has an EHCP, please refer to the admissions information on the Surrey website:

Additionally, if you would like further information about the Surrey SEND offer for all schools and services you can access it through the link below:

SEND Surrey Local Offer

Prior Heath SEND Information Report 2024-25 (PDF, 534.92 kB)

SEND Interventions – Provision Map 2023-24 (PDF, 341.79 kB)

SEND and Inclusion Policy (PDF, 188.25 kB)

Accessibility Policy (PDF, 136.79 kB)